Our Update #35

Our Update #35

Our Update #35

Pre Yom Tov Meetings

Prior to the Yom Tov season, Dror held meetings in both Albany and Washington regarding the various Yom Tov needs for Jewish inmates such as food, religious articles, etc. These meetings were vital to ensure that all Jewish inmates are provided with all their needs, allowing them some semblance of Yom Tov even in such harsh and isolated conditions.

Staten Island

After a couple of meetings regarding how we can bring Dina to Staten Island, we arranged a BBQ event to help introduce the Dina Project to the Staten Island community. The night was a truly insightful and an all-around great time as we shared important key points of the Dina Project.

A special thank you to our host Moishe Fishman and to all the other hosts for being so welcoming which helped make this event possible. Thank you to our dear friend Michoel Schnitzler and to all the Staten Island entertainers for setting the upbeat tone at the event. It was amazing to see the neighborhood come together as we set up a special Dina board and program for Staten Island residents.  Dror will continue to work closely within the community in launching a full Staten Island Dina Program in the near future.

Chol Hamoed

For Chol Hamoed, we arranged a special outing for the Dror families. We set out on our private cruise aboard the magnificent Atlantis yacht. Onboard the children enjoyed a fun pet show and were able to interact with the animals throughout the entire day – meeting, playing, and taking pictures with them. Afterward, there was an amazing magic show that was enjoyed by adults and children alike, followed by upbeat music and dancing with a full band and singer accompanied by a mouthwatering buffet of delicious food. The kids also enjoyed fresh cotton candy, popcorn, nosh and amazing prizes. Overall it was a memorable event that brought a smile to everyone’s face, young and old.

A special thank you to our singer Chaim Blumenfeld, Child Soloist Yanky Singer & talented musicians – Zishe Schnitzler, Moshe Karmel, and Meir Leffler for the beautiful music production.

A special thank you to Ari Roth and Aba Greenstein, for arranging the delicious food.

A special thank you to Yossi Kaff, for arranging transportation for the families. A special thank you to the driver Yidel Kessler.

Women’s Night Out

Dror arranged a lavish women’s supper for a much needed night out. The supper was hosted in the private party room above the Ice Cream Center and prepared with a variety of delicious food from Table 40. For dessert, every woman got to choose something for themselves from the ice cream store, giving it a personal and sweet touch.

They then enjoyed inspiring words from Akiva Pearlman, LCSW who offered up great advice and encouragement, followed by a round table discussion – where women were able to ask questions and receive helpful guidance.  For the night’s entertainment, they enjoyed Picture analysis done by Perel Abromowitz. She analyzed each participant’s pictures in great detail, telling them nice characteristics about themselves. The fun-filled night was truly unforgettable with each woman leaving feeling invigorated with renewed strength.


Bchasdei Hashem, we are happy to share that someone’s case recently got dismissed.

A special thank you to our dear friend Stacy Richman Esq., for her tireless work on their behalf. Stacy has always been there for Dror and we deeply appreciate the wonderful work she does in helping so many.

Dina Project

We recently sent a new  video to those signed up at dinaproject.org with the title “THE LEGAL AWARENESS SERIES EPISODE #4” – a Q&A session in accounting, from the 2017 Dina event in Williamsburg. This video is part of our legal awareness series of informative videos with important legal advice.  This Q&A session features CPA Chaim Leshkowitz of Leshkowitz and company LLC.  Click the link to watch.

Mazel Tov

Yoeli Mendlovic, upon the birth of a baby boy. A heartfelt thank you for everything you constantly do for Dror with heart and soul. May you see lots of Nachas from your entire family.

Velvel Feldman, upon the birth of a baby girl

Itzi Tzig, upon the birth of Twins

Nechemya Brodt, upon his daughter’s engagement

Yossi Kaff, upon the birth of a baby boy

Berl Shonfeld, upon his daughter’s wedding

Tuly Lipshitz, upon his engagement

Yossi Wertzberger’s son, our dear volunteer Shulem Wertzberger, upon his engagement

Zish & Michal Mermelstein, upon their son’s Bar Mitzvah

The entire Ornstein Family, upon their daughter/ sister’s wedding

Mayer Fischel, upon his son’s engagement

Mendy and Toby Tessler, upon their son’s wedding

Levi Yitzchok Hirschfeld, upon his daughter’s wedding

Avrumi Langer, upon his engagement