Our Update #37

Our Update #37

Our Update #37

A Shabbos to Remember

Each year Dror arranges a magical Shabbaton for the wives and children of imprisoned men. This year’s annual Shabbaton was held at Bushkill Inn Resort in Pennsylvania.

Children and women look forward to this weekend all year long. It’s the only Shabbos that they laugh, cry and relax with people who are in the same boat as them.

Some guests flew in from Florida, Cleveland, Chicago and Los Angeles to attend the Shabbaton. Some of these women and children haven’t visited their husband or father for over a year since they sit in New York prisons. Dror coordinated that these families should be able to visit their loved ones which made this trip all the more special.

As soon as the guests arrived, they were regaled with only the finest. Gorgeous room packages were waiting for them, with personalized gifts for every member of the family. Bochurim received Matzah Tashen with their name embroidered on it, girls and boys got matching pajamas, towels, pens and other gifts with their name. Women were pampered with magnificent dip bowls, room diffusers and cosmetic sets!

The food was gourmet, the décor exquisite. As guests settled in, Tamayehu was rolled out, with a full meat carving station and a buffet of hot foods. The girls were occupied with fun arts and crafts activities and the boys enjoyed swimming and aqua sports, while their mothers were treated to a professional makeover by Perela Torn and Shaindy Weisel.

Right after the zman, a roundtable discussion ensued with Rabbi Bentzion Twersky leading the women, Rabbi Motty Zeiger leading the Bochurim, and Rabbi David Elnadav leading the teenaged girls.

The Friday night meal was both uplifting and delicious, accompanied by Chevraya choir and words from Rabbi Bentzion Twersky. After the meal, guests enjoyed a Viennese table as they drank in the words of the Honorable Judge Dan Butler.

In the morning, a Gala Kiddush was held in honor of several boys who were soon to be bar mitzva! Throughout the entire Shabbos the children were having an amazing time at their day camp! Packed with themed activities, their mothers were able to relax and enjoy their program.

As Shabbos drew to a close, the women laughed along with Malky Knopfler at a tear-jerking comedy show and Rabbi Elnadav discussed the practical tools these families will need as they head home to face their reality again.

A lavish Melave Malke was served on Motzei Shabbos. The lively singing by Kalmy Schwartz with music by Lipa Brach Productions- Shmaya Karpen and Sendy Zeiger, created an atmosphere of togetherness and joy. A Chinese Auction, swimming, Kangoo Dancing, arts and crafts and so many more activities were enjoyed by the children as women watched a spellbinding film!

As Sunday morning dawned bright and early, our guests left refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to face their challenges once again.

Thank you to all the vendors and volunteers who made this Shabbos so successful!

Mr. Deutsch and Mr. Eisenach from Classic Touch- for the beautiful women’s gifts

Meyer Handler from Leveret- for the children’s PJs

Mefoar – for the gorgeous personalized Matzah Tashen.

Mrs. Tzig- for helping with the gifts

Ari Roth and Ben Bornstein from White Glove Events- for the incredible coordination

The Kaufman Family from Aperion Catering- for the amazing food

Ruchy Waldman- for the beautiful décor

Zissy Obstfeld- for your never ending devotion to make every detail a success and for the fabulous girls’ arts and crafts activities!

Mrs. Davidowitz and counselors -for the girls program

Aidel Malka Mintz- for the older girls program

Raizy Pavlov -for the teens girl program

AJ Greenwald, Itzi Tzig, Lazer Hersh Rosenfeld, Nachman Goldring and Counselors -for the boys program

Nuchem and Chana Sury Orenstein – for EVERYTHING!

Chaim Kahan- for your amazing energy to coordinate, arrange, manage this amazing weekend.

Shia Singer and the entire team of volunteers – for your patience, dedication and care!

Faigy Wasserman from Fun n Fit – for the Kangoo jumping classes

Shimshi Heskel and Shloimy Reichberg from Mekimi – for your help with the entertainment.

All vendors, companies and stores – for donating your goods and services so generously.

Letters to Remember:

3 out of the hundreds of letters we’ve received from Shabbaton participants:

Dear Dror Family,

Words cannot express the gratitude I have for your organization! The chizuk and chessed that you continue to give my family knows no bounds!  I look forward to the day when I will no longer need to be on the receiving end of Dror. But until then, knowing that I have you on my side is a great comfort! You always manage to give us the boost we need at just the right time!

Thank you so much for such a beautiful uplifting Shabbos!

 May it be the will of Hashem that we are all blessed with a reunified family and a normal life!

Eternally grateful,  S.R. and Family 


Thank you so much for giving me the zechus to be part of this Shabbos! I’m blown away by the amazing atmosphere and the effort you guys put into it, to make sure everyone is happy and comfortable.

Aidel Malka Mintz


 Dear Dror, Thank you for another truly wonderful Shabbaton. Everything about it was special, the ruach, the davening, the speakers, the food, the smiles, the fun, and I could go on and on.  

The words Thank You, do not fully convey the depth of gratitude I have for each of you at Dror. You are a lifeline for me and my family and for all the other families in this matzav.   

My daughters asked me what I was most looking forward to at the Shabbaton, and I said the Divrei Torah and Divrei Chizuk. I hold onto these words and insights every day. I internalize them (and share them with others) so when I am having a difficult day, it helps me through. 

I must say after giving it some thought, of all the beautiful words I have heard at Dror, perhaps the most beautiful are the words Rabbi Stein shared with us at the Melave Malka.  He said, “We care for you, we are here for you, we are with you.” Those few words mean so much. As the Mishna says, Say Little and Do Much. At Dror, you are each such kind and modest people of few words, but of such great action. 

The chessed you do is immense and sincere. May Hashem bentsch each of you and your families B’Kol, with everything you need, always, Ad Meah V’Esrim.


Mrs T.


A Dinner to Remember

Click here for a recap of Dror’s dinner, which took place this past February.


Who Will Remember Those Left Behind

Dror met with the commissioner before Pesach to discuss what could be done for Jewish inmates. Boruch Hashem, Dror was able to arrange that some men got permission to leave on furlough for the first days Yom Tov. We’d like to thank all the incredible volunteers who drove for hours on Erev Pesach to pick up those inmates! For those who couldn’t leave, Dror arranged a proper seder and sent matzah and haggadas.

” I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for arranging a ride for my husband on Erev Pesach so he could be home with us for the first days. We had such a wonderful, happy and special time with him. I am also so grateful to Mr. Firedman (and his wife!) for picking him up at Otisville. The myriad ways Dror helps our families is truly remarkable and so deeply appreciated. “

 At the same time, Dror also helped their spouses and children prepare for Pesach with dignity.


Advice to Remember

The Dina Project is continuously offering legal awareness and prevention advice. From the new newsletter, readers can garner a lot of interesting tips and tools how to stay on the right side of the law. Also, a video is being released from the Williamsburg Dina event, so that people can listen to the advice of the professionals who were present.


Memorable Mention

The Ami Magazine, in their recent Simcha Issue, wrote an interesting article about kallahs who walk down the aisle without their father. Ami interviewed Dror on this topic. Click here to read the full article.


Memorable Boys Shabbaton

This past Shabbos, is one that will be carried in the hearts of these young boys forever! Meir Fischl hosted a Shabbos for bochurim and boys in his home in Lakewood, NJ. These boys, who are generally left to feel the absence of their father every day, and even more so on Shabbos, got to enjoy a weekend that was so full of positive energy and activities. Starting with a splash at Yanky Geldzahler’s pool, the day was packed with friendship and love. The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yeruchim Olshin came to personally greet and support the boys.

After the zman, the boys Davened with their own Minyan with one Bochur serving as the Baal Tefillah. A beautiful meal followed with singing and inspiring words by Rabbi Friedman, Rav D’Khal Shemen L’Minchah.

Shabbos Morning found the boys davening fervently, as each boy got an aliyah. A big Kiddush followed with fun activities and a lavish meal. Rabbi Storch from Torah Umesorah spoke and two boys delivered an impressive Dvar Torah. The boys enjoyed a long afternoon with pleasant walks, learning b’chavrusa and a shiur in pirkei avos.

After Havdalah, the boys went to Misameach’s Play house, an exciting arcade place, thanks to Lipa Schwartz! The evening wound to a close as the boys enjoyed a delicious BBQ, manned by Meir Fischl himself! Special guests Rabbi Binyomin Ginsberg and Yoel Usher Labin joined the melave malke and spoke with the boys.

As the boys readied to leave, they each received their own carry-on suitcase, where they packed their belongings and the memories that will forever make them smile.

A huge shout out to Mr. & Mrs. Fischl for so graciously opening their home and heart!

Thank you to AJ Greenwald & Staff;  Yanky Landau, Leiby Fastan and Yiddish Rosenberg.

 A special thank you to our family retreat coordinator, Chaim Kahan.

A special thank you to Yanky Lebowitz.


Mazel Tov Wishes

Mazel Tov to AJ Greenwald upon the birth of a baby girl

Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Grossberg upon the birth of a baby girl

Mazel Tov to Moishe Zev Doppelt upon the engagement of his son

Mazel Tov to Yoel Usher Labin upon moving to his new home and the opening of his shul in Toms River. May mazel, nachas and health follow you wherever you go.

Mazel Tov to our esteemed Rav, Rabbi Stein, upon the engagement of his grandson. Mazel Tov to his son, Yosef Moshe.

Mazel Tov to Chaim Eluzer Moskowitz upon his daughter’s wedding.

Mazel Tov to Berish Brinner upon the birth of a baby girl.

Mazel Tov to Avrumi Klein upon his son’s Bar Mitzva.

Mazel Tov to Ushi Blumenberg upon the birth of a baby girl.

Mazel Tov to Yidel Perlstein upon his daughter’s engagement.

Mazel Tov to Shloimy Weber upon his wedding. A special Mazel Tov to his father, Yeshaya Shulem.


Nichum Aveilim

We express our deepest feelings of sympathy to:

Shauli Wasserteil upon the Petira of his father.

Hershel Kasirer from Aura Electric upon the Petira of his father.

Chaim Nuchem Wertzberger upon the Petirah of his mother.

Yanky Meyer upon the Petirah of his mother.

We wish them and their families only Besuros Tovos and may we only share in each other’s simchas. .  המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבילי ציון בירושלים


As Shavuos is approaching, the Dror Team wants to take a moment to thank all of our volunteers and donors! K’ish Echad B’Lev Echad, has never been a more apt description of your continuous commitment to this holy work.