Our Update #31

Our Update #31

Our Update #31

Chol Hamoed Cruise

Children always look forward to Chol Hamoed family trips but when the head of the household is unfortunately not around, the entire Yom Tov takes on a gloomy note. Fortunately, the people at Dror take these matters to action and arranged a memorable cruise on the luxurious Duchess for the wives and children. A five star supper awaited the crowd along with a spectacular program. The families got an intimate opportunity to befriend each other while the kids could not get enough of the entertainment provided. From face paintings, magic shows, photo booth, drumming shows to an endless stream of singing and dancing with renowned singer Shimmy Engel and the talented meshoririm choir, hilarious comedy by AJ Greenwald and Mutty Zieger, every minute was fun filled to capacity.
With much thanks to all the dedicated sponsors who have made this event possible and to the Dror board members Rabbi Yisroel Hager, Yoel Usher Labin, Amrom Israel and Yidel Lichtenstien who have enabled this huge project to be the success that it was.

The thank you letters that came streaming in thereafter serve as the greatest testimonials. “Wanted to thank you for an amazing amazing day. ALL my kids had a great time. The kids talked about the cruise for the rest of Yom Tov. TYSM to everyone for another amazing event”

Dina updates

As part of our informative Dina program, we will be sending out periodic video clips that contain necessary and inside advice from respected lawyers. Episode 1, featuring Attorney Paul Schechtman, has already been sent out to all our subscribers. Click here to view. If you haven’t subscribed you can sign up now @ dinaproject.org.

Online Bail

Mayor Bill Deblasio issued a new law stating that bail may be posted online. This will speed up the bail posting process tremendously and quicken the release from the holding cell.

Drors Helping Hand

A dedicated team of volunteers offer their services to the families whose fathers are away and do anything from repairing, unclogging- things we take for granted that “Totty will fix…” .

Dinner 2016

On Tuesday, November 29, Dror held its Fifth Annual Freedom and Unity Benefits Dinner at the prestigious 26 Bridge Loft. Click here for a full dinner recap.

Chanukah at Dror

Exciting Chanukah gift packages were shipped to all families along with an invitation to Dror’s upcoming family Shabbaton. The surprise of finding a gift at the door along with the excitement and anticipation for the Shabbaton bought true light into the darkness…

Get Well Wishes

The extended Dror family is Davening for a Refuah Shleima for our esteemed Rav, R’ Ephraim Aron ben Sara. Rabbanim and Askanim who came to visit and to wish him a Refuah Shleima, expressed how the Klal needs him to continue his Avodas Hakodesh with health and strength. B’chasdei Hashem the Ruv was able to attend the wedding of his grandchildren, however, he is still in need of a Refuah.

Mazel Tov Wishes

Mazel Tov To Chaim Hersh Freund upon his son’s wedding.
Mazel Tov to Ari Roth upon the birth of his baby boy.
Mazel tov to Judge David Schmidt, Dina project board member, upon the wedding of his grandchild.
Mazel Tov to Chaim Hollander upon his wedding.
Mazel Tov to Lazer Neuhaus upon his son’s wedding.
Mazel Tov to Moshe Diamant upon his daughter’s wedding.
Mazel Tov to Chaim Frankel upon his child’s engagement.
Mazel Tov to Chilly Binet upon the birth of his baby girl.
Mazel Tov to Chilly Binet upon moving into his new home.
Mazel Tov to Avrumi Klein upon his son’s wedding.
Mazel Tov to Bentzy Goldberger upon his son’s wedding
Mazel Tov to Zalmen Leib Landau upon the birth of his baby boy.