Our Update #33

Our Update #33

Our Update #33

Bochurim Bein Hazmanim Outing

Dror took the Bochurim on their yearly outing to which they so look forward. For many of them this is one of the great highlights of the year. This important outing gives the Bochurim a chance to relax, enjoy and spend quality time with other Bochurim going through the same circumstances and hardships. This evening was quite a memorable experience; from a lavish supper served to a private boat ride accompanied by a beautiful Kumzitz lasting well into the night. Each Bochur left with a huge smile along with renewed strength and Chizuk moving forward.
Thank You Shia Lefkowitz for graciously inviting them on his private boat and Nechemya Brodt for leading a soul-stirring beautiful Kumzitz.

Girls’ Outing

The girls got together for a special Sunday full of fun. It began with a full gourmet BBQ with delicious grilled meats and a large spread of delicacies served alongside the picturesque water.
Then they enjoyed unleashing their creativity with “Paint-it” by the famous Rivky Devor. Each girl enjoyed immensely and was really proud to bring home their very own gorgeous canvas paintings.
The fun continued on an amazing boat ride with the magnificent city skyline in the background while enjoying exciting activities prepared on the boat.
Besides having a great time, it was a great opportunity for them to spend time together and get to know some of the other girls in similar situations.
In her own words, one mother tells us that before her daughter joined on this outing, she was giving her a very hard time about everything, but as soon as she returned from the trip she saw an instant transformation in her child with a huge smile on her face.
Another mother wrote this to us:
“Hi! My daughter came home ecstatic! She loved every minute of it! When I asked her if she knew any of the girls there, she answered with a big smile YES! She said girls from her school were there. She did not feel alone. You are amazing! Each and every staff member and volunteer of Dror is amazing! This organization is incredible! Thank you so so much for everything you do to help us get through our personal Gehinom. Without Dror we wouldn’t be able to get this far. Tisku Lmitzvos. May Hashem repay many times over. May you never experience such a Gehinom. May you have many many simchos and Nachas. Once again, thank you!
May her touching words reach Hashems ears and there should be no more suffering for anyone. Amen.
A special Thank You to The Korn family and Shia Lefkowitz for your help in creating such a memorable and meaningful outing.

Women’s Night-Out

The women were treated to a special evening out in China Glatt. They listened and were inspired with words of encouragement by Rabbi Tuvia Leiff, Rav of Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin who was really mechazik them.
The evening ended with an exclusive cooking and food demo by our dear friend and Food Chemist AJ Greenwald.
There were some new women in attendance at their first Dror arranged event and they marveled at how accepted and comfortable they felt and what a positive impact it had on them.
These events help women spend quality time and connect to each other in only a way that those with similar circumstances can understand.
A special thank you to Shulem Vitriol of China Glatt for hosting such a beautiful event
Thank you to all the volunteers who provided rides to women from all over so that they can take part of this event.


BH we are happy to report that two people had their cases dismissed.
A special thank you to our dear friend Susan Necheles and her entire team especially Kata Cassidy for your tireless efforts with one of these cases.

Shabbos Hagudol for Volunteers

Dror arranged and hosted our yearly appreciation Shabbaton for our devoted volunteers in the Hyatt Inn for a largely discounted rate.
Our dear friend and famous Badchen Avrumi Halpern from Montreal led the Shabbaton and kept everyone entertained throughout. All guests enjoyed delicious gourmet meals prepared by Aperion Caterters and our esteemed Menahel Yoel Usher Labin delivered powerful words of Chizzuk.
Our volunteers got a chance to spend a truly an uplifting Shabbos together with a renewed determination to continue their important work in making a difference in the lives of our Dror families.

Dina project

A new Dina newsletter was recently sent to everyone signed up at dinaproject.org. The Newsletter was filled with helpful prevention tips, legal advice and information etc. (Click here to view the newsletter)
In addition, an informative video was sent with important legal advice from our dear friend John Carman Esq. (Click here to watch) We are confident that these tools and information will serve as a prevention of legal issues in our community.

Volunteer Drivers

We would like to thank all the volunteers that provide rides especially those who undertook to commit their time on a continuing weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.
With the growing demand for rides we are still in need for more volunteers that can provide rides, especially during the summer. Those that can offer rides from the mountains are especially appreciated and should please call 718-704-0618 #106 or email rides@dror-free.org

Women’s Cruise Benefiting Incarcerated Jews

Dror is ‘making waves’ Wednesday, August 9th by inviting woman on board the luxurious Atlantis Yacht to an enthralling evening on a cruise featuring a sit down gourmet dinner by White Glove, a spectacular concert by the one and only Bracha Jaffe with a guest appearance by Devorah Schwartz and premiering a Spectacular live Dance with Light Show. Seats are limited. Don’t miss the boat. Call now for early bird special 718-218-5190.

Chanukas Habayis

Dror’s office has recently undergone a beautiful renovation and refresh. This project was completed by the Haltovsky brothers.
We celebrated this momentous occasion with a Chanukas Habayis to which we had the privilege to be attended by our esteemed Rav, R’ Efraim Stein Shlita, may he have a Refuah Shleima Bekorov. The renovation and improvements to our office brings about a great positive energy and helps us continue our important work with Harchuvas Hadas. Thank you to all those involved for your help in bringing this project to fruition.

Mazel Tov Wishes

Mazel Tov to Luzer Elya Moskowitz upon the birth of his first grandchild.
Mazel Tov to Yosef Leib Kaufman upon the birth of his baby boy.
Mazel Tov to Yanky Einhorn upon moving into his new home. May his home be filled with Simcha and Mazel.
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Davidowitz upon the birth of her grandchild.
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Orenstein upon the birth of a baby boy.
Mazel Tov to Shimon Weinberger upon the birth of his baby boy. A special Mazel Tov to the grandfather Avraham Meir Schwartz.
Mazel Tov to Sruly Kramarsky upon his engagement.
Mazel Tov to Meir Fishel upon his daughter’s engagement.
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Simcha Bernath & the Farkas family upon the engagement of their children.
Mazel Tov to Isaac Weinstock upon his daughter’s engagement. A special Mazel Tov to the grandfather, Yitzchok Zev Weinstock.
Mazel Tov to Chaim Duvid Klein upon his daughter’s engagement.
Mazel Tov to Nechemya Brodt upon his son’s engagement.
Mazel Tov to Yossi Itzkowitz of Toys 4 You upon moving your store to a beautiful new location. May you have much Hatzlacha and Mazel.
Mazel Tov to Yossi Herman of Name Street upon moving your store to a beautiful new location. May you have much Hatzlacha and Mazel.